Since you are under 18, your parent or guardian (if that person has custody) must sign on your form or both parents (if they have joint custody). This form is not available online: visit a DMV office to pick one up in person or call the DMV's Automated Telephone Service at 1-80 to have one mailed to you.
Someone other than yourself (an ill family member, a patient, your doctor, your school principal, or your employer) must fill out the parts of the form that describe the nature of your hardship and show that no other form of transportation is available to you.
You must have already applied for a California Identification (ID) card.What if I’m not 15 ½ yet but need to drive? If you are at least 14 years old and absolutely must drive unsupervised to or from school, to or from work to support your family, or for medical reasons, you can apply for a junior permit, which will function as a restricted driver's license.